

Together we look to the day where childhood cancer is gone.

Your donation to the Foundation funds clinical care, research and trials, and family support programs. You can improve the outcomes and lives of children with cancer, and their families by:

Make a regular donation

Join our community of regular donors to help us continue our important work.

Give at Checkout with PayPal

Purchases with purpose. Set us as your favourite charity by hitting the heart icon on our PayPal Fundraising Hub, and everytime you purchase through PayPal, you’ll be donating $1 to support the Children’s Cancer Foundation.

It’s a little thing that can add up to a big impact!

Donate through the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme

The Children’s Cancer Foundation is now a donation partner for Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme. Every eligible container is worth 10c, which can really add up!

Collect and donate as an individual or even run a collection drive through your school, workplace or community group during the year.

Gift in Wills

Create a lasting legacy for childhood cancer by including our Foundation in your will.

How can you help?