
Welcome to Jeff Darmanin, Executive Director

In 2020, the Foundation will continue to engage in cost-effectively raising funds to support children and their families today, while also working closely with world-class organisations, learning more about the unknown and making progress towards improving childhood cancer survival rates. 

As we work towards our goals, we officially welcome Jeff Darmanin to the team. Jeff who led the Foundation in an interim capacity during late 2019, has with the encouragement of the board, formally accepted the position of Executive Director for the Foundation, for a 3-year term commencing January 1, 2020. 

While now working in a formal capacity, Jeff has been generously sharing his commercial skills and a lifetime of experience in running businesses both large and small, as non-executive Director with the Children’s Cancer Foundation since 2016.

Jeff’s close personal connection to the Foundation began over a decade ago, in 2009; the year the course of his family’s lives would change forever. The Darmanin’s were a normal family of three children and a geriatric dog. William, Jeff’s 15-year-old son was having growing pains. These pains were later diagnosed as Desmoplastic small round tumour cells. A rare cancer. 

The family knew nothing of cancer then. As their ‘normal’ world turned upside down, Will was a tough soldier, facing every new unknown with courage. But after four years including a period of remission, he sadly lost his battle in 2013. As the family began rebuilding their lives, Jeff noticed that he was no longer able to find joy in everyday life. 

“I wanted to help, I liked the Foundation’s focus on research and family support. There was a strong sense of purpose, integrity, passion and intelligence, wrapping a desire to help families cope now while trying to build a better future.” 

Jeff’s search for meaning led him to the Children’s Cancer Foundation.

Today in his new leadership role, the direction of the Foundation is unchanged. “I am delighted to be a custodian of the Foundation,” says Jeff. “What I am seeking to do is make the Foundation more sustainable through a broader network of committees, a greater sharing of responsibility and greater stakeholder engagement. With the help of others, I think I can make a difference.” 


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