Including a charity in your Will is a highly personal decision. By choosing to support the Children’s Cancer Foundation with a gift in your Will, it allows us to continue investing in life-changing research projects to help eliminate children’s cancer and provide vital support programs for families while their child goes through treatment.
Anyone can leave a gift in their Will
People from all walks of life choose to contribute to a better society beyond their lifetime. Gifts can be large or small. Once you have taken care of loved ones, a gift to the Children’s Cancer Foundation can make a real difference to children with cancer.
In addition to helping us move towards a world free from children’s cancer, you will also be invited to join our Gift in Will Supporter Group, which brings together and celebrates those who have included the Foundation in their Will. Members will be invited to attend special events to hear about our work and important developments within children’s cancer research.
Including a gift in your Will to the Children’s Cancer Foundation is straightforward and we’re here to help. We understand it is a personal decision and we encourage you to discuss your thoughts with your family and friends.
Once you have made the powerful decision to leave a gift in your Will, it is important that your wishes are carried out correctly. There are three main types of gifts you can choose to leave:
A residuary bequest – after taking care of family and loved ones, you can leave all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate;
A portion of your estate – leave a nominated portion or fixed percentage of your estate;
A specific bequest – leave a specific sum of money or shares.
Suggested wording:
“I give free of all duties and taxes [insert the dollar sum or percentage of your estate or assets to be gifted] to the Children’s Cancer Foundation (ABN 96 114 942 415) absolutely for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of an officer of that foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustee/s.
Full details on how to include a gift in your Will to the Foundation please contact our office at 03 7001 0452 or email [email protected]