
Brooke: “Each day is special”


Children's Cancer Foundation

A sore leg was the first sign that something was wrong with nine-year-old Brooke. Tests were taken and within days Brooke’s parents received the news: Brooke had an aggressive, invasive cancer called osteosarcoma.

Over a 12-week period they faced six rounds of chemotherapy. Brooke hated everything about the treatment: “It’s really scary. They put needles into me and hooked me up to a big machine. It made me feel really sick all the time. There were a lot of bad days.”

Unfortunately, after having aggressive chemo treatment the family was given harrowing news: amputation was the only way to save Brooke’s life.

During the interminable hospital visits and excruciating treatment, Brooke’s family treasured the friendship and support of doctors, nurses and other parents and welcomed the distraction of art and music therapy sessions.

Brooke has finished her chemotherapy and is thankfully cancer free. She continues to be treated for her nerve damage and is starting to walk again. Next year, an exciting challenge awaits her – high school.

Jo tells us: “As a mum, each day is special and I am just so happy to be able to give my daughter a big hug and a kiss. She makes me smile every single day.” What better reason to smile.

Thank you Brooke for sharing your cancer journey with us.


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